The Lancaster Sheriff's Office maintains a separate web site. Please refer to for more comprehensive information on Sheriff's Office programs and services.
The sheriff's office is located at 8293 Mary Ball Road, Lancaster, Virginia, behind the county courthouse. Built in 1978, the main building houses the sheriff's administrative offices, county communications center, and local correctional facility. The Benson-Brent Annex, dedicated in 1999, houses the uniform patrol and investigative staff.
The sheriff has a staff of 8 civilians and 26 sworn deputies, assigned to four major office functions: law enforcement, court services, jail operations and communications.
Programs currently available to citizens through the sheriff's office:
Public Safety Talks
On request, a staff member is assigned to provide a relevant talk to your organization. Topics generally requested include crime prevention, juvenile delinquency, alcohol and dangerous drugs, severe weather preparation, telecommunications, and patrol duties. Please contact the sheriff with your request for a speaker.
A program aimed at assisting senior citizens who live alone. The sheriff's staff makes a telephone call to the program participant at a prearranged time each day. Should no telephone contact be made, a patrol deputy is dispatched to the member's home to ensure their well being. Limited medical information is maintained on the participant in cases of an emergency. This program has saved the lives of three citizens since its inception in 1986.
Lancaster County Crimesolvers, Inc.
Established in 1985, Crimesolvers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for information that is of value to law enforcement. Anonymous persons may call 46-CRIME (a nonrecorded number) and provide information about unsolved crimes or wanted persons. The program relies on a citizen board of directors to raise funds, pay rewards, and promote the program; the media, to get the information to the community; and a sheriff's deputy to provide liaison with the citizen board. To date, Crimesolvers has recovered in excess of $200,000 in stolen property and illegal narcotics and has a conviction rate of 97 per cent.
Drug Abuse Resistance Education is provided to all fifth grade students in the county. This program teaches our impressionable youth about the dangers of illicit drugs, as well as conflict resolution, means of handling peer pressure and the emotional roller coaster of adolescence.
Citizens Police Academy
This 12-week program provides interested citizens with an inside look at the training methods of law enforcement and the day-to-day operations of the sheriff's office. Hands-on training is provided in firearms, crime scene search, and traffic stops.
Sheriff's Advisory Council
This citizen board discusses a wide variety of community concerns at its quarterly board meetings. Members give input to the sheriff on improving the operations of the office.
Deputy Santa
An annual golf tournament funds a visit by Old St. Nick to underprivileged children in the community. Deputies accompany the children on a shopping trip; besides toys, each child receives a new coat and shoes. Would it surprise you to know that these children prefer to get gifts for others instead of toys for themselves?
Neighborhood Watch
You are your neighbor's best protection against crime. Knowing the routines of your neighborhood and reporting suspicious activity when it occurs often prevents crime. The sheriff's staff is available to help you establish a program in your neighborhood.
The sheriff's office encourages participation in this statewide program that provides information on home safety, medical awareness, and fraud protection. Other matters of mutual concern to senior citizens are also addressed.
Individual Input
The sheriff welcomes your input. Should you have an idea for a program, please contact him either by telephone, e-mail, or personal visit.
Contact Information

Office Location & Address
8293 Mary Ball Rd
Lancaster, VA 22503